An iPad showing a Lee Valley newsletter with the headline “Growing a Kitchen Garden” sits on the center of a white background, with wooden ladels, honey dipper, and pine sprigs surrounding it.


An e-commerce experience that lets craftspeople browse and shop in a way that is both specific and serendipitous.


Building a new way forward

Lee Valley was in the midst of a brand update, refreshing their look to be both modern and timeless. The company has historically been catalogue-first, but recognizing that times have changed, they used the update as a reason to rebuild not only their website, but their entire approach to online.

Brand and Market Positioning • Digital Strategy • Website Design and Development • Iconography

A 2x2 grid of animated webpage mockups sit on a wooden floor with tools such as a paintbrush, pliers, and nails in the background. Navigation, homepage, product and check out pages are shown.
A desktop computer floats on a grey background, showing a large banner image with a close up on roasted asparagus for a recipe.
An iPhone sits on a light grey background, showing Lee Valley’s Featured Categories, with photography above each category names. Categories shown are: What’s New, Food Preparation, Pasta Making, and Cleaning.
Webpage showing a collection of article grids with photography and titles are shown under the headline “Guide to Camping”. The 3x2 grid is shown on a light grey background.
A web banner reading “Discover: Your inspiration for DIY projects” sits on a light grey background. “Discover” is knocked out of the background, with greenery and plants growing out from underneath.
A banner with the title “Carve a Wooden Spoon” sitting on a grey, semi-transparent background on the left. Four zoomed in wooden spoons placed vertically in alternating directions are the main focus of the photo.
A laptop sits on the center of a grey background, animating to show the website’s main navigation and a shopping page for a Self Watering Planter.